
The 2024 Cost-share program is CLOSED.
The 2025 Cost-share program will be released in the fall.

The following cost-share programs are available to SRPF members:

1. Cover Crops – 75% of total costs if left until spring. Bin-run-crop without a receipt will pay market price. Maximum of $40/acre, $1500/farm.

2. No-till/Reduced Tillage – $20/acre up to 50 acres, increases in 2nd and 3rd year. Maximum of $1500/farm.

3. Planting Green – Spring planting into a living cover crop. Farmers can collect cost share on cover crop in the fall, then collect an extra $20 for planting green into the cover crop the following spring. Maximum of 50 acres, $1000/farm. Not to be combined with no-till or reduced-till program.

4. Split Nitrogen Application – For farmers not currently applying split nitrogen, eligible to enroll in this program once. $10/acre, maximum of $1000/farm.

5. Crop Diversity - Growing Season Cover Crop Interseeding Program – May include legume, grass, multiple species, beans planted into corn. Up to $40/acre, max $1500/farm.

6. Encapsulated/Stabilizer Nitrogen/Phosphorus Application – Farmers not currently applying encapsulated nitrogen and phosphorus are eligible to enroll in this program once. $5/acre, max 100 acres, max $500/farm

7. Low disturbance manure injection – $15/acre, max 100 acres, max $1500/farm.

8. Grazing Management — $20/acre, 5-acre min, max $1,000 per written plan

WHEN 2025 PROGRAM IS RELEASED THIS FALL, complete the following steps to qualify for the cost-share program:

no-till planting corn into cover crop

1 - Complete the Cost-Share Enrollment form and return by Nov. 15

2 - Pay SRPF annual membership dues — see Membership page

3 - Complete the Member Conservation Practice Survey found on Membership page

4 - Submit receipts with the cost-share program application

Final cost-share payments are dependent on available funds and will be distributed at the annual meeting next year.

SRPF Cost-Share Program Detailed Information

Goal – To research and promote on farm conservation practices that are beneficial for soil and water quality and overall farm sustainability. Also, to reduce economic risk associated with trying a new conservation practice.

Cover Crops

Cover crops have many on farm benefits including reducing soil erosion, nutrient losses and improving soil health. Producers interested in planting cover crops may be reimbursed for 75% of the cost of cover crop seed, planting and spring herbicide application (if applicable), up to $40 per acre with a maximum of $1500 per farm. Receipts are required for this program. Handwritten receipts are okay if providing your own seed or purchasing from a neighbor, for example.

Producers may select the cover crop seed and seeding method of their choice. Cover crops should ideally be planted by October 15 if possible and maintained until the following spring. Harvesting the cover crop as forage is admissible.

No-Till/Reduced Tillage

This project is targeted for producers who are open minded about trying no till, vertical till and strip till rotations for multiple years to determine if our soil health can be improved without reducing our yields. Interested producers should identify an area, up to 50 acres, and plan a three-year rotation using reduced tillage or no till. The area chosen will be the same area used for up to three years on this project. Participating producers are eligible for $20 per acre for the first year, $25 per acre on the second year and $30 per acre on the third year.

Planting Green
No-till-reduced tillage

Planting green refers to planting of primary crops into actively growing cover crops in the spring. This practice can be used when planting a grain crop such as corn or soybeans into a cover crop. Producers can collect cost share on cover crops in the fall, then collect an extra $20 for planting green into the cover crop the following spring.
Maximum of 50 acres up to $1,000/farm. Not to be combined with no-till or reduced-till programs.

Split Nitrogen Application
planting green

Applying nitrogen fertilizer at reduced rates several times during the growing season, rather than all at once, will help ensure plants have the nutrients they need to prosper when they need them most. Splitting up fertilizer applications can also mean fertilizer savings, as less fertilizer is being applied and therefore lost, when there is no growing crop to take it up. The split nitrogen application cost share program will help cover the cost of split fertilizer applications at a rate of $10 per acre up to $1000 per farm.

Crop Diversity - Growing Season Cover Crop Interseeding

Producers interested in interseeding a 'growing season cover crop' in the summer. The goal is to plant more diverse species mix into a main crop. This may include legume, grass, multiple species, beans planted into corn. This program will help cover the cost at a rate of $40/acre up to max $1500/farm.

Encapsulated/Stabilizer Nitrogen/Phosphorus Application

This program is for producers not currently applying encapsulated nitrogen and/or phosphorus. Producers would be eligible to enroll in this program once. The encapsulated nitrogen/phosphorus cost share program will help cover the cost of encapsulated nitrogen/phosphorus application at a rate of $5/acre, max 100 acres, max $500/farm.

Low Disturbance Manure Injection

Manure injection is a low-disturbance system which places the manure below the soil surface, offering the same benefits of incorporation, without tillage, leaving the soil surface minimally disturbed. LDMI can be practiced into alfalfa, cover crops, grass hay, wheat, or small grain fields that are actively growing or harvested wheat, soybean or corn fields. This program will cover the cost at a rate of $15/acre up to max $1500/farm.

For more information on the programs listed above, contact OR speak with your local SRPF board member.